Nash!Com Workspace
Database Catalog
Command Line Tools
Sync & Import Solutions
rDNS Replacement
Extended Mail Log
Special DB Fixup
Daylight Savings Fixup
Trace/Lowercase Conversion Extension
Run Special Tasks
Demo & Evaluation

Nash!Com Sync and Import Solutions

We provide a number of very specialised solutions for synchronising and importing data from text files within Notes and from RDBMS systems. Most solutions are based on Lotus C-API and Lotus Connector API and are build on top of the same technology that is used by DECS or Lotus Enterprise Integrator.

Synchronising Data from RDBMS or ASCII files

Nash!Com builds interesting and configurable solutions for importing and synchronising Notes databases from relational DB systems. These solutions are build on top of the Lotus Connectors and use Lotus Connector API to connect to RDBMS. They can be customised by creating formula language and provide high speed (more than 100 documents per second) data synchronisation.

This solution is one of our internal assets that can be modified to perfectly fit in your infrastructure and to fulfil your very special needs for integration.

Synchronising Calendar Todo and other Documents from Mail Databases

We build a very customable solution for synchronising Calendar, Todo and other documents from mailfiles on the current mail server or even from remote servers. You can run scheduled jobs and specify selection formulas for the documents that can be synchronised between databases. If documents are deleted from source database the Servertasks does even delete the document in the target database and supports removing of documents similar to the logic of selective replication.

Some more details:

  • Selection formulas
  • Automatic removal of documents not matching the selection formula any more
  • High speed data synchronisation. More than 100 documents per second on standard hardware
  • Multi-platform support: Win32/Intel, Linux, AIX
  • Destination folders
  • Encryption fields
  • Reader fields
  • Scheduled jobs
  • full and incremental runs for highest performance
  • Lookups in other databases given user name
